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Infertility: Causes and Treatment

Infertility: Causes and Treatment


There are at least 2 million cases of female infertility documented in the United States of America each and every year. For most of these women, the cause of their infertility is never conclusively diagnosed, and modern medicine is yet to provide comprehensive female infertility treatment. Various known and unknown factors contribute to female infertility. If you have been diagnosed with infertility, you are probably desperate to understand more about female infertility and find out what alternative cures and female infertility treatments are available.

What is Female Infertility?

A woman is considered to be medically infertile if she has been having sex, without any form of contraceptive, for 12 months and has been unable to become pregnant. Fertility is described in a medical sense as being either:

First Degree Infertility – women that have never had children

Second Degree Infertility – women that have had children, but are unable to conceive a second time
It is vitally important to make the distinction between infertility and sterility. Sterility is the term used to describe women that are completely unable to conceive their own children. Female infertility describes the difficulty that women experience in trying to conceive. Being infertile does not mean that you will never be able to have children. Exploring various female infertility treatment options will improve your chance of conception, and carrying a full term, healthy baby.

What causes female infertility?

There are several known causes of female infertility, some of these include:

  • Ovulation disorders
  • Damage to the reproductive organs
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Chronic Miscarriage
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Psychological and emotional factors

Dear Friend,

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Happy Faces
  • They became pregnant very quickly and then gave birth to healthy babies with little pain involved.
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Baby Sleep – Frequent Asked Question

Baby Sleep – Frequent Asked Question

How can I put my infant to sleep? What kinds of sleeping aids are helpful to make my baby sleep? Are you also looking for the answers to these questions? Let’s look at some facts first.

Do you able to judge what are the signs your baby show when he/she is tired or want to sleep? Lets go through.

Seeing your baby cry is probably the foremost heartbreaking moment of all. You don’t want him to cry. you would like him happy. And in fact, you would like him healthy. except for all that to happen, he must sleep properly.

It would be nice if your child could learn how to sleep without any crying or frustration whatsoever. Every parent would sign up for that. Unfortunately, the truth is that all children, regardless of the method you use to help them sleep, inevitably do shed some tears in the process. Let’s see how can you make your baby sleep safely.

What’s really interesting about falling asleep is that although each folks is born with the inherent ability to try to to so, it’s considered a learned behavior. And yet you can’t teach anyone else the way to roll in the hay – you can’t simply tell your child to shut his eyes and sleep. Instead, each folks has got to learn for ourselves what to try to to to settle into sleep. Find it out today.

Your child, alongside many others, hasn’t learned this essential skill set, which is why he needs you to require a step back, so he has the chance to realize that on his own. To know more about toddler sleep you may refer to this post.

How will he do it? He might kick his legs around a touch, he might gently rock his head from side to side, or he might grab his lovey. or even he’ll suck on his thumb. If he’s a touch older, maybe he’ll play together with his hair.
The truth is, each folk has various things we do to appease ourselves into sleep, and your child will surely find how that’s perfect for him. But he won’t discover those things nearly as easily with you standing right next to him or picking him up – he won’t have the motivation to try to do so.
Simply put, if you “help” him, he will cry even harder because the touching seems like a tease that serves to strengthen the crying. Try various options to help him reach a sound sleep.

If you still fail I have a MIRACLE for You. Please drop in your comments about this article. I would love to know the feedback and your views on how you put your baby to sleep.

Transition From A Crib To A Bed

Transition From A Crib To A Bed

I want out! (Shout Out)

I think that’s the message your toddler will send – a method or another – when he’s able to wave goodbye to the crib and say hello to a big-kid bed. Your child might actually verbalize discomfort, moreover simply want to climb out of the crib.

So What’s needs to be done?

First, resist the temptation to maneuver him too early. Most experts recommend doing so around age 3. Unless your child is climbing out of his crib or needs more room than a crib can provide – his body is growing at an astounding rate – it’s better to keep him in the crib, which allows him to feel safe.

This way, your child can feel comfortable taking giant developmental leaps during the day but still regress to the safety of his old crib in the dark.

Transition From A Crib To A Bed

Moreover, until age 3, toddlers are very impulsive, and your child’s difficulty in understanding and having the ability to follow directions or rules (like staying in bed all night) will make sleeping in a bed a real challenge. If you transition to a bed before age 3, you’ll plan on awakening to a touch visitor next to your bed just about nightly.

When the time comes, however, you would like to assist your child transition smoothly to sleeping during a bed.

For that, you need to follow certain steps. These are:

1. Create a secure environment:

Safety proof your child’s room and all adjacent areas he might visit during the night. Secure or maybe closed windows, tops of stairs, and you know it better. Even better, you’ll install a security gate at your child’s door. You can even install a little night-light in his room to assist him to orient himself and avoid hurting himself.

2. Pick the new mattress for the baby:

Go to the nearby mattress store – and let your child help you choose the mattress or bed. With keeping safety in mind, all you would like maybe a twin-size mattress and bedspring and a few safety rails for the side. This new bed and mattress will got to sit low on the ground a few times until your child gets to it. Get some fun new sheets, some special pillowcases and you’re set to go.

Transition From A Crib To A Bed 1

3. Transfer the crib (together):

Once the new bed comes home, ask your child to help you to take down the crib. This way, your child will feel a part of the transition process and can even be ready to say good-bye to the crib.

4. Set up the new bed and the mattress:

Put the bed in one of the corners of your kid’s room so that the head and at least one side of the bed are protected with the wall. Add a security rail can be fitted to the exposed side of the bed. Your child will feel safe this way even as he was safe in his crib.

5. Explain the bedtime rules:

Discuss the bedtime rules with your child. Tell your child that sleep is really important and we should sleep till the sunlight enters your room.

6. Do your bedtime routine:

Since your child is new to his bed, you should take an extra 10 minutes to spend first few nights and read some stories to make him comfortable in his new bed and environment. Slowly and gradually you child will be comfortable and feel safe in this new environment. 

Still finding a problem to make your baby sleep well. I have something to share with you. Click here for the Miracle.

Healthy Kids

Healthy Kids

We all want healthy kids. But what can we do to help them stay healthy?

Do You know an average child gets sick 10 times a year? That number is simply too high and there is no reason why it should be that high. Once or twice a year colds or other viruses are understandable, but 10 times a year? Think of all the missed school for them and missed work for you and the fun family times that have to be rescheduled or canceled completely. There are some simple things we can do as parents to turn sick kids into healthy kids.

The First Step – Healthy Diet

Kids need lots of good nutrition. Foods that are full of sugar, fat, starch, and are highly processed are not nutritious. Good nutrition starts at home. There are many simple little changes you can make immediately to get the entire family eating healthier. Fresh fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains need to be provided daily. It may seem easier and cheaper to buy the frozen, packaged, and processed versions, but it’s really not. You will find that buying healthy is actually cheaper than buying junk. Look up some healthy recipes, make a shopping list, and go to the store thinking healthy. Stay away from potato chips, soda, and candy. Instead buy whole-grain crackers, pretzels, and fresh fruits. We all crave salty and sweet treats, so use these healthy substitutes instead. Kids eat what is available to them; it is your job to make sure they have healthy choices.

The Second Step – Focus on the Environment

The next step to a healthy kid is to focus on the environment around our children. Harmful hazards can be found all over the home. The first thing you need to do is go clean out your cabinets. Any cleaning products that are not safe need to go. Many cleaning products contain harmful chemicals. If your children have asthma or allergies they are especially susceptible to the irritating upper respiratory effects of toxic chemicals. I use only safe, non-toxic cleaning products in my home and would have it no other way. You don’t have to buy the expensive “all-natural” products, but buy from a brand you can trust. There are many safer products available, but not all are created equal. Look for products that are super-concentrated; they will give you the best bang for your buck and also help protect the environment.

Finally – Adequate Exercise

Finally, healthy kids need adequate exercise. If they are home with you, get them up off the couch and moving with you. There are plenty of easy, kid-friendly exercise videos and equipments available to choose from or you can make up your own routine. My kids and I like to take walks, and go to the park. If the weather is bad, move the activity indoors. Jumping-jacks, jump rope, yoga for kids, and other fun activities can be done indoors at home. Or you can enroll them in karate, gymnastics, dance class, or after school sports activities. Be creative! The possibilities are endless. It doesn’t matter what activity you choose, as long as the kids are active and having fun. The key to getting kids to exercise is to make it fun. Switch up the routine and don’t be too pushy about exercising at home. The best way to get your kids active is to lead by example. If they see you making an effort to stay fit, chances are they will join in.